Invite, Inform & Collaborate

Effortlessly invite stakeholders to join your OrganAise plan as Freemium Stakeholders. Keep them informed with relevant updates and facilitate seamless collaboration through integrated communication.

  • Create contact or select contact that you already have imported or added into OrganAIse

  • Click on the plus after the person's name to invite. Small popup is coming up to ask if you want to invite this contact to OrganAIse.

  • After you have clicked and confirmed the plus is turned into a clock indicating that you are waiting for an answer from a presumptive Freemium Stakeholder.

  • Above your contacts there is a Freemium Stakeholder count indicating how many you have invited and how many free spaces you have left.

  • The person who gets invited receives an invitation email instructing them to the signup process

  • Main user gets notified in app and by email that the stakeholder has joined OrganAIse

  • The new Freemium Stakeholder user receives welcome email

  • The Freemium Stakeholder status is permanent after the person has been invited as such by you. Your subscription plan is giving you the right to a certain number of freemium stakeholders. You can upgrade to a higher plan in order to gain a higher number of freemium stakeholders. All freemium stakeholders will be encouraged to extend their usage of OrganAise as a Starter/Standard/Pro Subscriber. If and when a Freemium Stakeholder slot has been released, you can invite someone else to become a Freemium Stakeholder up to the limit given by your plan level.

  • With any contacts and freemium stakeholders that are active OrganAise users, you can seamlessly review availability and schedule meetings and recurring appointments.

Last updated