How to vote on a poll?

Here follows guidelines on how vote on a poll after being invited.

When someone invites you to vote on a poll as a step before a meeting time is selected and scheduled, you will receive the poll either as a notification in the OrganAise app or as an email. Both in the notification and the email the receiver is updated on that they have been invited to respond to a poll aiming at finding a time for a meeting. The meeting purpose and the inviting party is also mentioned.

In the same email and notification, the invitee is encouraged to vote on the poll and thereby indicate which meeting slots are suitable. The voting can happen both in the calendar interface where the meeting times are shown as indicative or in the notification interface. Best practice is to vote on all the slots suitable in order to increase the chance for the meeting being scheduled among the alternatives. When the votes have been cast by all participants, the owner of the meeting confirms the meeting time and the participants are informed by notification or email.

Last updated