Create and Administer Polls

Need to find the best time for a meeting? Create polls within OrganAise to gather availability from all participants. Administer these polls to ensure everyone can attend.

You create the meeting by clicking the plus-icon.

In the meeting scheduling interface you add the subject of the meeting, choose the contact(s) or OrganAise Stakeholder(s) to meet with, select the conferencing tool and the calendar in which you want the meeting to be allocated.

After choosing the contact(s) or stakeholder(s), you select “select one or more meeting slots manually”.

You will after this see a calendar interface where you can select one or more time slots for the participant(s) to vote for. If you are creating meetings with a stakeholder who also is an OrganAise user, you will see the non-available time grayed out and the available time as open. Hereby you can select the alternative meeting times to vote for from the available time.

After finalizing the selection of the timeslots, you confirm your selection by clicking the check mark sign in the right corner.

After that you will be taken back to the meeting scheduling interface to finalize details and then click the check mark sign. At this point you also can choose to lock the timeslots in your own calendar in order to keep them open until the poll is concluded.

OrganAise will hereafter send the poll invite to the invited stakeholders or contacts and they can vote for the best options. The poll is sent by email and as a notification in the OrganAise interface.

Best practice is to vote for several options that are suitable, in order to secure a meeting time to be selected. The inviting party will receive confirmation notifications of the voting and finalization of the poll in order to confirm the final meeting time.

Last updated