Schedule Meetings with One or More People

OrganAise makes it easy to schedule meetings with one or multiple people. Whether you’re setting up a one-on-one or a group meeting, you can find common availability among participants and send out in

Scheduling a meeting with a person with OrganAise account

When scheduling a meeting with a Stakeholder who also is an OrganAise user you initiate the meeting by clicking the plus-icon in the left sidebar. In the meeting scheduling interface you add the subject of the meeting, choose the stakeholder(s) to meet with, select the conferencing tool and the calendar in which you want the meeting to be allocated. When choosing the stakeholder, you select either “select one or more meeting slots manually” or “Let OrganAise find time slots for you automatically”. If choosing the manual option, you will be able to select a meeting time from the timeblocks that both you and your stakeholder have available.

Scheduling a meeting with a person outside OrganAise

When scheduling a meeting with a contact who does not have an OrganAise account, you only need to make sure the contact is either created or imported as a Contact also in OrganAise. You create the meeting by clicking the plus-icon. In the meeting scheduling interface you add the subject of the meeting, choose the contact(s) to meet with, select the conferencing tool and the calendar in which you want the meeting to be allocated. When choosing the stakeholder, you select “select one or more meeting slots manually” and you can either select a meeting time directly or create a poll for the intended participant(s) to answer on what meeting time to select.

Last updated