When to send out a scheduling link and when to schedule a meeting?

The different use cases for scheduling links or meetings.

Sending out a scheduling link

Sending out a scheduling link is best suited when

  • You want to make yourself available to on demand meetings based on stakeholder initiative

  • You want to minimise time for finding a timeslots

  • You want to have a meeting with only one stakeholder at the time

  • You want to make alteratives of shorter or longer meetings available to stakeholders based on their need and initiative

  • You want to make on demand meetings available in certain time blocks

Scheduling a meeting

Scheduling a meeting is best suited when

  • You want to schedule a meeting with multiple stakeholders

  • You want to schedule a recurring meeting

  • You want to create a poll for finding meeting times for a collaborative meeting

  • You want to schedule meetings with stakeholders you collaborate with regularly

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